Yep - first time I've seen her in my garden. Although I think I have the wasps that like to eat them. I have to say it...isn't she beautiful? I never thought I'd think BW Spiders were beautiful. Even when nature is at her most scary, I think she makes things gorgeous to look at.
I didn't see her eating anything...but I did see a beetle carrying away a dead bee. And - the other day we saw a very rare Texas Large Centipede - 27 sets of legs. Black with orange legs. They are agressive and nasty looking. Took some photos, but must have accidentally erased the ones of the centipede (probably Freudian). The centipedewas up on the deck and the dog was cautiously chasing it around. Apparently though, the bite is kinda painful (for dogs and humans). I didn't like it up on the deck. Good news was that we've been here for 3 years and that's the first time I've seen one around the house.
We're a bit concerned about our Tarantula spiders. We haven't seen any this year. They usually come out to mate sooner than this. We never see them for very long, but they are so elegant.
Saw this guy on my
berry bushes this morning,
Trying to catch the inside of his wings, but the breeze shook branch and then he flew away. Interesting coloring. Probably a moth rather than a butterfly.
These flowers are new
to our garden. The are green echinacea cone flowers. Pretty, eh? Don't see green flowers often.
These wasp catchers are fabulous! These came from Gardener Supply ( My daughter also got some that are a little smaller from Kohls. I put a little bit of lemonade in the bottom of them. We broke the matching stopper, so what you see on top is a rock. Once the wasps get in (attracted by the lemonade), they can't figure out how to get back out. For the next round, I'm just going to put in some hummingbird food. I have some made up in the fridge, and given how many wasps are sitting on my hummingbird feeders right now, I figure they'll go for that food just as well as the lemonade.
I too need wasp catchers for my garden.!! Try to get some nice ones from Gardener's Supply very soon.