The Goldfinches are back! I haven't seen the Purple Finches yet... but I'm hoping it'll be soon. They aren't really purple, but a beautiful, deep red.
They've been out there all day - mostly three and four at a time. They love this particular food - it's just something inexpensive from the feed store, but they are happy with it anyway.
I had fun shooting with the telephoto lens. Although these are shot through a window. They birds don't tend to come if I sit on the deck nearest the feeder.
I loved this fellow's downy appearing feathers - and their color!
We've also had quite a few Cardinals. The Cardinals are here all winter, but in the winter we don't see as many females. I noticed yesterday that the females are back in full force.
Caught this guy with food on his face!
Look at the outstanding coloring on his back feathers!
they are so cute! Spring is coming!!